About Love Built

It is time for a shift within the CPG industry to a truly sustainable model that benefits business and the planet.

We are a team of CPG sales experts committed to helping mission-driven brands succeed in the grocery retail space. We use our extensive experience, strategic relationships, and emotional intelligence to guide our clients in building the foundations for sustainable growth.

We love brands that love the planet and we want to help you get to the top.

Love Built works with brands striving wholeheartedly to solve issues of food waste, packaging pollution, and climate change.

We work with brands that are offering consumers the experiences they crave, the tastes they love, the nutrients they need, and last but certainly not least, the opportunity to be part of the solutions to environmental and social emergencies.

A Love Built brand builds with love as the first ingredient in everything they do.

Alongside our brand partners, Love Built works collaboratively with all stakeholders of the planet, to create opportunities for all to thrive.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to help shift consumer behavior from uneducated consumption to choices made with awareness and love. We offer conscious sales strategy and guidance to amplify the impact of mission-driven brands.

The Love Built Story

We build up businesses that are building with Love.

Love Built was a dream born of an ecological mindset, of a desire to build and collaborate with brands that are actively creating ways to positively impact the climate, the environment, and the health of Earth and all of her living beings.

We’ve always known that the gifts we offer to the business world can intentionally contribute to a thriving Earth.

We dreamed that how we strategized, what we sold, and how we solved problems could offer more than just financial gain—that the gains realized could benefit both the bottom line on a financial statement and the bottom line for our environment.

We are veteran CPG industry sales consultants for early to mid-stage mission-driven companies looking to expand their reach in the natural and conventional retail grocery space.

Ready to uplevel your retail strategy?

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